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Shenzhen Qianhai Free Trade Zone import customs clearance process and precautions

  From foreign air to Hong Kong, Hong Kong and then trailer to Qianhai Free Trade Zone port entry, formal import clearance of goods, Shenzhen Qianhai free trade zone import clearance, from the inland free trade zone entry, customs clearance with ordinary imports, and combined transport imports slightly different。

  Shenzhen Qianhai Free Trade zone import customs clearance

  I. Process
  In April 2019, our company handled a ticket from abroad to Hong Kong by air, and then trailers to Qianhai Free Trade Zone port to enter the country and officially import the goods cleared by customs。
  This ticket is imported from the inland bonded area, and the customs clearance method is slightly different from that of ordinary imports and combined transport imports。
  First of all, we need to inform Hong Kong of the relevant information, declaration documents and other information for import clearance, so that they can arrange the delivery of goods to the Qianhai warehouse and arrange the release of documents。
  Secondly, provide the declaration documents to the warehouses in the Qianhai Bonded Port area, so that they can make the warehouse declaration, obtain the export verification list number, and then make the import declaration. After the export verification list number is associated, you can declare and pay taxes in accordance with the normal import declaration process。
  Product drawing for customs clearance
  Finally, after the release, it is necessary to arrange qualified trucks to pick up goods in the area。
  It should be noted that,Import declarationPort to 5349- Qianhai Bonded Port area, can not be declared according to the port of destination bill of lading。
  Ii. Summary
  The above process seems simple, but the actual operation is not simple。Because the import link involves many parties, it is necessary to communicate and contact with many parties at the same time, confirm the documents and information required by all parties, and control the handover time limits of all parties, so as to avoid unnecessary costs and time losses caused by incorrect handover or disconnection。
  Therefore, before the import, you can consult our company first and entrust our company to handle it, which can save a lot of economic losses and time delays caused by unfamiliar situations, and also improve the company's customs clearance speed。


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